African American
Babies, children, and youth belong in families. They want and deserve to know that they have a family who loves them, cares for them, tends to their hurts, goes to events and meetings at school, provides a respite in times of need, and celebrates their successes.
Kinship Care Reduces
and Responds to Trauma
Culturally, for the African-American population, involvement in the child welfare system itself includes trauma. This can be compounded by other systematic related trauma associated with poverty, homelessness, and mental illness. Kinship care as a practice plays a significant role in both addressing and reducing the trauma for children and families in child welfare. When children are placed in the loving and nurturing homes of family, who are members of their kinship care village, they do not have the “foreign land” experiences, rather,
they are simply home.
A Cultural Strength and
Model Approach
Kinship Care is seen as a solution to many of the
challenges faced by families in which biological parents
cannot care for their minor-aged children. These
arrangements can exist within the child welfare system
(formal) or outside the system (informal).
Requirements and assistance for kinship households
vary from state to state and from program to program.
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